Browse Items (14 total)

Letter includes graduation booklet, card, and four uniform stripes. Envelope addresed to "E.S. Hobbs and Co., Hobbs Ranch, Hennessey, Oklahoma."

Preparing for graduation from flying school; includes postcard of Lubbock Hilton Hotel advertising Cadet Club.

Postcard of Hilton Hotel in Lubbock, TX.

CLH says his group may go to 4 Engine School or may become instructors; reserves room in tourist court so family can attend his graduation.

Both he and Kelley Hobbs are now flying airplanes. He says, "We will surely be able to round up the cows with Piper Cubs after the war, hadn't we?"

Includes the base's Daily Bulletin for 8/14/42 because he is "officer of the day." CLH sends "42-H (his training group) honorary wings" to Aunt Bob Wilson Granbury, Virginia Hobbs, and Marjorie Smith.

Includes Fort Worth newspaper clipping with image of AT-9; Includes his flight times: 60 total pilot hours; 15 copilot hours.

Describes 3 hour, 35 minute night flight in formation; writes to former Hennessey resident Charlie Waters.

Flying AT-17s; saving $25 to pay for graduation ring and announcements of flight school graduation.

Flying in formation for 42-G graduation; mentions Charley Coupland; Kelley Hobbs decides to go into Navy pilot training.
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