Browse Items (100 total)

Seven photographs including Egyptian street scenes, the Sphinx, and German graveyard. One postcard.

Stars and Stripes newspaper, Middle East edition

Typewritten text describing view of former desert battlefields. Six photographs of destroyed German equipment. One postcard.

Typewritten text describing arrival in Benghazi, Libya, and Mediterranean. Six photographs of Mediterranean scenes including Charles Hobbs and one other crew member.

Typewritten description of Benghazi headquarters. Five photographs of Benghazi camp. Currency.

Typewritten description of Benghazi camp and briefing for upcoming missions: "It sorta gives you a funny feeling watching the planes take off with 2,000 lb bombs and circling over the field to get in formation when you know some may not come back . .…

Three photographs of airplanes: two of formations in flight and one of airplane on the ground.

Typewritten description of airplane maintenance: "Planes are more precious here than gold and are treated like Queens in Court." Three photographs of airplanes being serviced by crew.

Typewritten description of first mission over Messina Sicily: "We were the last ship in the formation and that made me the last man over the target riding as tail gunner." Four photographs including one of airplanes aloft one of two crew members…

Five photographs including one of planes aloft, three of crew members around plane, and one of Charles Hobbs seated on a bomb.
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