Charles Hobbs homecoming, 1944


The Hobbs and Wilson families gathered at the home of Dee Dawson and Grace Hobbs Dawson on Main Street in Hennessey, Oklahoma. The house stands today across the street from the Hennessey Public Library.

Barbara Hobbs Sparks, pictured in center, writes this about the photograph of her brother's homecoming, verifying her Aunt Bobby Wilson Granbury, second from left: "That absolutely is Aunt Bobbie!  She came because this `doin's' was in celebration that Charles had returned alive from the war!  He had just spent 5 months in the hospital in England and then was shipped home to a base in New Jersey, I believe, and then given a furlough.  I'm not certain the length of it, 2 weeks maybe even a month.  Too long ago and there is no one else to ask these questions - dang!  I was always amazed how often she [Bobby} would show up when the boys would be home on leave.  It wasn't that it was such a long drive from Dallas, but there was gas rationing.  Uncle Ralph [Granbury] wasn't with her - probably work involved and I doubt that she stayed more than a couple days and nights. I have that picture and every time I look at it I can remember that day vividly.  That picture was taken in Aunt Grace and Uncle Dee's yard.  The dinner was at their home.  The war was not over and people were scattered everywhere.  I think Jocelyn had a job in Alaska, later in California - I don't know how she got there.  Aunt Lydia lived in Arizona then.  Pretty amazing to get a crowd together on short notice.  Uncle Lyman lived in Purcell.  The dog's name was Jiggs.  I miss all these people. B."

Barbara Hobbs Sparks, e-mail, 2012-04-16

Family at Dawson House
Charles Hobbs homecoming, 1944